Slang Dictionary with Slang Urdu and English Words Meanings

Slang Words & Terms Dictionary List

Slangs are the terms widely used in our life. Slang means Aamiyana Boli or Awaami Alfaaz in Urdu. These words are unauthorized but famous in daily chats. These slangs terms can be a word, phrase etc. We have a huge list of Slang terms with meaning which are widely used in everyday life.

# Slang Words Meaning
1 A&F always and forever
2 A.I.M. aol instant messanger
3 A/L age and location
4 A/M away message
5 A/S/L age,sex,location
6 A/S/L/P age/sex/location/picture
7 A/S/L/R age, sex, location, race
8 A1T anyone there
9 A3 anyplace, anywhere, anytime
10 AAAAA American Assosciation Against Acronym Abuse
11 AABF as a best friend
12 AAF as a friend
13 AAK Alive and Kicking
14 AAMOF as a matter of fact
15 AATF always and totally forever
16 AATW all around the world
17 ABD Already Been Done
18 ABDC America's Best Dance Crew (TV show)
19 ABEND absent by enforced net deprivation
20 ABF All But Face
21 ABFAB Absolutely Fabulous
22 ABG Asian Baby Girl
23 ABH Actual Bodily Harm
24 ABO Aborigine
25 ABOOT about
26 ABP Already Been Posted
27 ABREEV abbreviation
28 ABS Absolutely
29 ABSNT absent
30 ABT about

There are many types of people around who think differently and speak differently as well. Some people don’t talk much and want to chat more on mobile or PC. So to speed up their typing they use slang words or terms for ease. That’s why these slang words are unauthorized because they are used in informal ways most of time.

Slang is a set of vocabulary that is used among people who belong to the same public group and who are familiar with each other as well. People usually use slang in speaking rather than writing but in this era of Whatsapp, Facebook etc the slangs are frequently used in typing as well. So you need to type fast to chat more that’s why there are Slang words which are used to you can type more. Slang usually refers to special words and meaning however it can contain longer expressions and idioms. For example, if you want to say 'I Love You', just simply type or say 'ILY' and that’s it. There are some many Slang words as we have more than 6000 Slang terms here. For example BRB (Be right back), OMG (Oh My God), TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) etc. These Slang words are AwaamiAlfaaz and AamiyanaBoli in roman Urdu.

Slang Words Dictionary Online 2025

Slang Words on

People who are not familiar with Slang words are considered as outdated in this modern era. On the other hand Slangs are not just only the abbreviations they made our daily conversations easy and cool. Here is an example of Slang words:

Swag means “Being Cool” If some wants to use ‘Swag’ in his sentence so he can use it like this:

‘That girl has some swag’.

We has a big list of Slang terms used in our daily life. You just need to search your desired word and get the result. So you can compete with this very fast world by using these Slang words in your online conversations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the meaning of slang?

Slang is vocabulary used by people who belong to a social group and who know each other well. The Slangs are unauthorized by popular words, expression, modes, terms or phrases. In Urdu Slang means AwaamiAlfaaz or AamiyanaBoli.

Q2. When to use Slang Words?

You are not allowed to use the Slangs in your official documents or applications. The Slangs can be used in daily conversations or chat messages.

Q3. What are the most common slangs?

The most common slangs include:

  • OMG (Oh My God)
  • LOL(Laugh Out Loud)
  • ANIM8(Animate)
  • DIY (Do It Yourself)
  • TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)
  • BRB (Be right Back)
  • ASL(age, sex, location)
  • BFF (Best Friends Forever)
  • BTW (By The Way)