Students who have completed Matric & Intermediate education from Quetta Board and got top position can avail the best Muhtarman Benazir Bhutto District toppers scholarship 2023. Toppers from each district and both male & female will be awarded Rs.200,000/-. Only those students are eligible who appeared in examinations from a Government School can apply. Students from sector of private school, residential school, colleges and cadet colleges are not eligible to apply for this scholarship. April 15th is the last date for submission of form in MBBD toppers scholarship 2023. Scholarship will be awarded after complete release of funds. Now you can easily apply for Muhtrama Benazir Bhutto Scholarship 2023 here online.
How to Apply for Balochistan District Scholarship 2023:
Now you can get your application from Directorate of Education Schools office in Quetta. You must need attested copies of below given items:
Inter DMC issued by Balochistan BISE Quetta
Copy of CNIC of Father
B-Form of the student
2 Passport size recent photographs
Local domicile of the students or Father (mentioning student name)
Provisional certificate of the school