Here is you list of all Khairpur GPO Postal Codes, ZIP codes or postcode and all other information you need. This table consists of Khairpur Delivery Post Office name or Non Delivery Post Office names and with the Attached Branch Offices Post Codes of Khairpur.
What is ZIP postal code of Khairpur?
# | Postal Code | Delivery Post Office | Province | Attached Branch Offices Post Code |
1 | 66074 | AGRA | Sindh | 66075 |
2 | 66040 | AHMED PUR | Sindh | 66041 |
3 | 66130 | BUZDAR | Sindh | 66131 |
4 | 66300 | CHANG | Sindh | 66301 |
5 | 66062 | CHUNDIKO | Sindh | 66063 |
6 | 66104 | CONSOLIDATED SUGAR MILLS RANI PUR | Sindh | 66105 |
7 | 66080 | F.S.MILLS GAMBAT | Sindh | 66081 |
8 | 66070 | GAMBAT | Sindh | 66071 |
9 | 66190 | HINGORAJA | Sindh | 66191 |
10 | 66020 | KHAIR PUR GPO | Sindh | 66021 |
11 | 66090 | KHURRA | Sindh | 66091 |
12 | 66060 | KOT DIGI | Sindh | 66061 |
13 | 66120 | KUMB | Sindh | 66121 |
14 | 66150 | MIRWAH | Sindh | 66151 |
15 | 66000 | PIRYALO | Sindh | 66001 |
16 | 66030 | PRI JO GOTH | Sindh | 66031 |
17 | 66100 | RANI PUR | Sindh | 66101 |
18 | 66200 | SETHARJA | Sindh | 66201 |
19 | 66110 | SOBHO DERA | Sindh | 66111 |
20 | 66170 | SORAH | Sindh | 66171 |
21 | 67020 | TANDO MIR ALI | Sindh | 67021 |
22 | 66160 | THEHRI | Sindh | 66161 |
23 | 06502 | F.F.DAHARKI PO | Sindh | - |
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