Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education BISE Peshawar has done the process of collection of exams form earlier and now going to taking the Intermediate class exams in different sectors of education. There are numerous disciplines are the part of 12th class including Science Pre-Engineering, Sciences, Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering, Humanities, Commerce and General Sciences. All subjects roll number slip via online can now collect here on loResult.com. These are important admit cards because hundred and thousand of candidates are involved in these. Our major priority is to show you exact details about the HSSC part 2 class roll number slip 2022 Peshawar Board so keep here visit because we are just uploading the roll number slips shortly.
Peshawar Board has different candidates like private & regular so being students of BISE Peshawar, you have right to get complete Peshawar board Intermediate class roll number slips 2022 with allotted center also. With all major details, You have also a page of past papers where you have different subjects old papers of 12th class Peshawar board. For more update, visit loResult.com.