Muslim Girls Names Starting with A-Z Letters

Muslim Girls Names Starting with English Alphabet, Character or Letter P

New Born Muslim girls Names Starting with P 2025. Search and find the unique and most popular baby Quranic girls Names Starting with alphabet P with English & Urdu meanings. gives you updated Muslim girls Names Starting 2025 with character P for new born baby with detail meanings, origin & lucky number.

# Name Urdu Name Meaning
1 Paabast پابست مضبوط
2 Paaboos پابوس خوشامد
3 Paadaash پاداش نتیجہ
4 Paadshaah پادشاہ بادشاہ
5 Paaendah پایندہ قائم
6 Paaghar پاغر ستون
7 Paaik پایک سفیر
8 Paailah پائلہ پازیب
9 Paain پائین کنواں
10 Paaina پائینہ آئینہ
11 Paaindah پائیندہ ہمیشہ
12 Paaiz پایز سبزہ
13 Paaizah پائیزہ خزاں
14 Paakdaman پاک دامن پاک
15 Paakizah پاکیزہ پاک
16 Paakzadah پاک زادہ دھوبی
17 Paalaar پالار ستون
18 Paalin پالین چھوٹی
19 Paaliya پالیہ کھجور کا درخت
20 Paamar پامر مددگار
21 Paamila پاملہ خوشحال
22 Paamoz پاموز پرندہ
23 Paantree پانٹری خوشبو
24 Paaraa پارا بے چین
25 Paarah پارہ ٹکڑا
26 Paaranj پارنج انعام
27 Paarbani پاربنی کنارہ
28 Paareenah پارینہ پرانا
29 Paares پارس ایک پتھر کا نام
30 Paarkhi پارکھی تلاش کرنے والا

Muslim Girls Names Starting With P

If you are searching for the Muslim baby girl names or Islamic girl names that start with P then you are at the right place. We have a huge list of new born baby girl names with numerology details. The list is sorted alphabetically for your convenience.

Muslim girls names or Islam girls names are searched after the birth of a baby by its parents. The first gift the parent gives to their baby is his good name. So we have tried to solve your problem with this list of newborn baby girl names starting with letter P. There are page numbers for a big list if you don’t find you desired name click on the next page link at the bottom.

Quranic Girls Names Starting with P

This list of Quranic girls names starting with character P has links when you click on the link you with get all the details of that name. You will find all the information about the name on the next page. The Islamic girl name detail includes the lucky number, lucky gemstone, lucky day and many more in Urdu. You can check the English girl names spelling as well as the name meaning in Urdu.

The baby girl name list has names from Quran and Hadees as well. The Arabic names for girls as well as modern Islamic names are listed here. Cool and cute baby names with meanings are listed that start with the English alphabet P. The baby names that start with P with meanings and details are available for free.

Muslim Names for Girls Starting with P 2025

It is the duty of parents to give a good name to their babies. It is the first gift that a newborn baby gets from its parents. So do a complete research before setting a newborn baby girl name because it lasts for the whole life of that baby. In this page we have a huge list of all the Muslim names for girls starting with P. Click on the desired name and get all necessary details of that Islamic baby girl name starting with letter P.

You can find the astrology of various Muslim baby girl names with meanings. For some people the names astrology is very important so its very easy to find it here. Astrology for different Muslim baby girl names and Islamic girls that start with P is available here.

The name numerology is very important for some persons so if you believe in numerology you can see the lucky number, lucky stone, lucky color etc for names starting with P you want to give to your son. The numerology for Islamic girl name or Muslim girl name of your son starting with character P in detail. Lucky numbers, Lucky metals by names and lucky gemstones by name are also available for your interest. If you want to see the little one’s lucky numbers, lucky color and lucky stones click the name and see all the numerology detail for the baby names starting with P.

So we have tried to give you the coolest, rarest, Beautiful, unique and uncommon baby girls and baby girls names with meaning and astrology. Lucky numbers, lucky stone, lucky color, lucky day and lucky metal etc. can be found here on No get all the Muslim girl names A to Z, modern Islamic baby girl names 2025, modern Muslim girl names starting with P Modern Islamic baby girl names 2024, unique Muslim girl names and Islamic girl names from Quran and Hadees.

Famous Muslim religion Girls Names starting with P - Muslims overall the world have the most well-known popular names. In Islamic religion, the Muslims are commanded to name their children which sound good and carry remarkable meanings. It is a Blessing of Almighty Allah on a family, when a baby girl born in the family. Many general Muslim Girls names that begin with P have old origins. Muslim believes that the Holy Prophet’s wives were great women in the world. So many Muslims want to prefer their Muslim Girl name of Profit’s wives. There are also many beautiful names of Sahabiyas and Religious women in the history starting with letter P. You can find here Top and beautiful Muslim Girls Names meaning that have P on the start including most trending names.