Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC has revealed the latest Merit List for the post of Junior Computer Operator in the department of Punjab Public Service Commission. The case number 6C2021 complete Merit List of Junior Computer Operator is now announced by the authority after completion of procedure. There are only 5 candidates have been recommended by the PPSC for the post of Computer Operator Junior and they are selected on open merit basis.
The interview call letters will be dispatched on the provided addresses of the recommended / selected candidates and aspirants can also download and check their interview schedule of PPSC for Junior Computer Operator here on our webpage loResult.com as well as on the official webpage of PPSC Punjab. All the candidates are now advised to download the complete Merit List of Computer Operator of PPSC here below which have the complete further instruction about the recruitment. Keep in touch with us for the latest PPSC jobs 2022 advertisement here.