Higher Education Commission (HEC) has the authority to funding, overseeing and regulating the higher studies institutes. Now HEC has announced undergraduate test name as Undergraduate Studies Admission Test USAT. The candidates which have passed the Intermediate class or waiting for the result of Class 12th may apply for this upcoming HEC USAT test 2021.

This HEC USAT advertisement confuse the students because many universities are already declared the admissions for undergraduate program. At the spot, it is not clarified by HEC either USAT HEC test is mandatory for admission or not. There are different universities are not taking the admission test due to current pandemic situation in Pakistan.
This test will be comprised on all disciplines under the undergraduate level. Students have to participate in these HEC exams because this will be mandatory in the universities to take admission for undergraduate programs. However, 30 August 2021is the last date for online registration while September 12 2021 is the tentative date to conduct the entry test.
Eligibility Criteria of USAT
Candidates who have passed the 12th class exams or waiting for the result of class 12th can apply for USAT HEC test.
USAT Marks Distribution
There are two major parts are included in the HEC USAT test
1) MCQs base test with 75 Marks
2) Essay writing test skills check with 25 Marks
How to Register for USAT
Initially you have to visit HEC ETC Portal for Registration.
Application submission consists of two parts: first MY PROFILE Section, then USAT Link on the left side of the portal.
Submit the complete applications. The commission will not accept saved or incomplete applications.
For USAT, candidates have to submit Rs 1200/- in HBL Account # 1742 7900 1334 01, Title of Account: Higher Education Commission
Send the fee deposit slip to Member’s House, HEC Sector H-8, Islamabad.