Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education BISE Abbottabad exams has over on given schedule by the authority of Abbottabad Board. Exams result of Secondary School Certificate SSC part 1 has announced and all those who enrolled have best chance to get the 9th class result online along with the top position holders. is the best website for all students to provide online result. It is informed to all concerned students that you are lucky to have this prestigious page to get position holders and toppers details. Abbottabad Board has announced top position holders’ updates of 9th class and you can get it here.

9th Class Position Holders 2023 BISE Abbottabad Board
Students who looking for highest marks takers list in class 9th class result 2023 BISE ATD have the good news and they can see complete list of Abbottabad Board toppers list here. 1st topper, 2nd topper and 3rd topper of all and each group list have been shared with you here so keep in touch to get more.
Position: 1st
Roll Number: Coming Soon
Student Name: Coming Soon
Marks: Coming Soon
Position: 2nd
Roll Number: Coming Soon
Student Name: Coming Soon
Marks: Coming Soon
Position: 3rd
Roll Number: Coming Soon
Student Name: Coming Soon
Marks: Coming Soon