All Punjab boards have conducted their Computer Science 2nd year Paper 2023 today at 24 May 2023 Wednesday. The paper was held in two groups. The 1st group starts at about 8:30 AM and ends at 11:30 AM on the other hand the evening session starts from 1:30 PM till 4:30 PM. The paper had MCQs, Short, Long, Subjective and objective type questions. The Computer Science paper 2023 for HSSC part 2 is shared here with possible answer keys. You can download this Computer Paper in PDF or JPG image format from this website. We have already shared the 12th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 here on
2nd Year Computer Science Paper 2023 Punjab Board

I need pepr code 8835
Plz upload past papers of 2nd year BWP board.