Rise Group of Colleges Boys Multan

Rise Group of Colleges Boys Multan located in Multan Address, Contact No, Whatsapp, Email, Phone Number, Mobile, Ranking, affiliation and other information.

Phone 0616213346
Website http://www.rise.edu.pk
Email info.mtn@rise.edu.pk
Address Pir khursheed colony, opposite city hospital multan
Type Private
Level College
Ranking 0

Intermediate Programs offered by the College

ICom2 Year yearsN/A
FSc Pre-Engineering2 Year yearsN/A
FSc Pre-Medical2 Year yearsN/A
ICS2 Year yearsN/A
FA2 Year yearsN/A

Bachelors Programs offered by the College

FA2 Year yearsN/A
BA2 Year yearsN/A
BBA Business Administration4 Year yearsN/A
BS Civil Technology4 Year yearsN/A
BS Electrical Technology4 Year yearsN/A
BS Electronics Technology4 Year yearsN/A
BCom2 Year yearsN/A
BS Computer Science (BSCS)4 Year yearsN/A
BSc Science2 Year yearsN/A
BSc Civil EngineeringN/AN/A
BSc Civil EngineeringN/AN/A
BSc Electrical EngineeringN/AN/A
BSc Mechanical EngineeringN/AN/A
BS Mechanical TechnologyN/AN/A

Masters Programs offered by the College

MCom2 Year yearsN/A
MBA Business AdministrationN/AN/A
MBA ExecutiveN/AN/A

M. Phil Programs offered by the College

MBA ExecutiveN/AN/A
MPhil Commerce2 Year yearsN/A
MPhil Computer Science2 Year yearsN/A
MPhil Management2 Year yearsN/A

Others Programs offered by the College

MPhil Management2 Year yearsN/A
Electrical InstallationN/AN/A
Refrigeration & Air ConditioningN/AN/A
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