PIES Group of Schools and Colleges Ahmad Town Islamabad

PIES Group of Schools and Colleges Ahmad Town Islamabad located in Islamabad Address, Contact No, Whatsapp, Email, Phone Number, Mobile, Ranking, affiliation and other information.

Phone 051-2520802
Website http://www.pies.edu.pk
Email info@mmc.edu.pk
Address PIES Group of Schools & Colleges, Ahmed Town, Bhara Kahu, Islamabad
Type Private
Level College
Ranking 0

Intermediate Programs offered by the College

FSc Pre Medical2 yearsN/A
FSc Pre Engineering2 yearsN/A
ICS2 yearsN/A
ICom2 yearsN/A
FA2 Years yearsN/A
FSc General2 Years yearsN/A
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