Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants Karachi located in Karachi Address, Contact No, Whatsapp, Email, Phone Number, Mobile, Ranking, affiliation and other information.
Phone | 021-34524871-72 |
Website | www.pipfa.org.pk |
pipfa@pipfa.org.pk | |
Address | M1-M2, Mezzanine Floor, Park Avenue, 24-A, Block 6, PECHS, Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi. |
Type | N/A |
Level | College |
Ranking | 0 |
Intermediate Programs offered by the College
ACCA | 4 years | 65,500 |
CMA | 4 years | 65,500 |
CIMA | 4 years | 65,500 |
Bachelors Programs offered by the College
CIMA | 4 years | 65,500 |
BCom | 2 years | 65,500 |
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration | 4 years | 65,500 |
BS Comerce | 4 years | 65,500 |
Masters Programs offered by the College
BS Comerce | 4 years | 65,500 |
MCom | 2 Year years | 65,500 |
MBA Master of Business Administration | 2 Year years | 65,500 |
Others Programs offered by the College
MBA Master of Business Administration | 2 Year years | 65,500 |
Diploma in Accounting/Finance | N/A | 65,500 |
CA | 4 year | 65,500 |
ICMAP | N/A | 65,500 |
ICAP | N/A | 65,500 |
AGP | N/A | 65,500 |
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