Govt Degree College Sargodha

Govt Degree College Sargodha located in Sargodha Address, Contact No, Whatsapp, Email, Phone Number, Mobile, Ranking, affiliation and other information.

Phone 048- 3782002
Address Govt Degree College Chak NO.90 S.B, Sargodha
Type Public
Level College
Ranking 0

Intermediate Programs offered by the College

FSc Pre Medical2 Year yearsN/A
FSc Pre Engineering2 Year yearsN/A
ICs Computer Science2 Year yearsN/A
FA2 Year yearsN/A
FSc General Science2 Year yearsN/A

Bachelors Programs offered by the College

FSc General Science2 Year yearsN/A
BA2 yearsN/A
BSc Science2 yearsN/A
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