Govt College For Women Kot Momin Sargodha

Govt College For Women Kot Momin Sargodha located in Sargodha Address, Contact No, Whatsapp, Email, Phone Number, Mobile, Ranking, affiliation and other information.

Phone 048-6681273
Address Govt College For Women Kot Momin Sargodha
Type Public
Level College
Ranking 0

Intermediate Programs offered by the College

FSc Pre Medical2 yearsN/A
FSc Pre-Engineering2 yearsN/A
ICs Computer Science2 yearsN/A
FA General Science2 yearsN/A
FA2 yearsN/A

Bachelors Programs offered by the College

FA2 yearsN/A
BA2 yearsN/A
BSc Physics2 yearsN/A
BSc Mathematics4 yearsN/A
BSc Chemistry2 yearsN/A
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