Capital Degree College Peshawar

Capital Degree College Peshawar located in Peshawar Address, Contact No, Whatsapp, Email, Phone Number, Mobile, Ranking, affiliation and other information.

Phone 091-5843066
Address Near Bank Alfalah, Arbab Road Stop, University Road Peshawar.
Type Private
Level College
Ranking 0

Intermediate Programs offered by the College

FSc Pre Medical2 yearsN/A
FSc Pre Engineering2 yearsN/A
DCom2 yearsN/A
ICs Computer Science2 yearsN/A

Bachelors Programs offered by the College

ICs Computer Science2 yearsN/A
BA2 yearsN/A
BSc2 yearsN/A
BCom2 yearsN/A

Others Programs offered by the College

BCom2 yearsN/A
Diploma in Information Technology DIT2 yearN/A
Diploma in Business Administration2 yearN/A
DAE in Civil3 yearN/A
DAE in Electrical3 yearN/A
Diploma in MS Office 2013N/AN/A
Diploma in Auto CadN/AN/A
Diploma in HRMN/AN/A
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