Details of Post Office in Jalda, Distric Mayurbhanj of Orissa State

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JALDA Post office Pin code is 757086. JALDA post office comes under the MAYURBHANJ division in the district of MAYURBHANJ and ORISSA state.

JALDA BRANCH OFFICE can be used by its customers for a variety of financial services like Public Provident Fund (PPF), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP), National Savings Certificates (NSC) and Sukanya Sammridhi Scheme (SSS). It in addition presents a set of conventional schemes which many banks in India offer just like fixed deposit, savings deposit and recurring deposits. The key idea after providing these kinds of plans is to endorse savings amongst the Indian citizens.

JALDA Post office Full Detail from Orissa Mayurbhanj Starting with Alphabet J

You can find out all the necessary information about JALDA post office in the following table. ORISSA has ZIP Code of 757086. The below table displays the Contact Address, Division, Circle, Delivery Status, Postal Code of the particular post office.

Post Office JALDA
Post Office Type BRANCH OFFICE
Pin Code 757086 (Click to see all Post Offices with same Pin Code)
Contact Address Postmaster, Post Office JALDA (BRANCH OFFICE), MAYURBHANJ, ORISSA (OR), India (IN), Pin Code:- 757086
Delivery Status DELIVERY
Postal Taluk BARIPADA
Postal Division MAYURBHANJ
Postal Circle ORISSA

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