Aslam O Alaikum friend we are glad to tell you that BISE Lahore has announced the start date of exam 2024 Matric part 1 & 2. The date sheet will be provided shortly here on Lahore board 9th and 10th class papers will start from 1st March 2024. The final exam schedule will be provided to our visitors here very soon. So students of Punjab boards are advised to start their exam preparations as soon as possible with the date in mind. We have provided class notes, past papers, model paper, pairing schemes and many more exam related stuff here on our website.
Here we are sharing the image of the notification shared by the Lahore board for more details about the fee structure and exam date 2024 SSC part 1 and 2. We wish all the best to our visitors to get huge marks in their exams and may Allah give you all very good grades in this exam.