UOK BA B COM overseas Exams Schedule 2021

University of Karachi UOK has finally declared the examination schedule of class BA & B.Com part 1 & part 2. There are various countries candidates are the part of this schedule including Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Doha Qatar, Jeddah, Kuwait, Muscat & Riyadh. Students who registered in BA B.Com exams are advised to download complete schedule below along with time and subjects details. First paper will be held on 27 Nov 2021. We will also provide you here the BA B.Com result Karachi University for overseas candidates so keep here in contact with us.

AKUEB SSC HSSC Best Subject Result 2021

Agha Khan Examination Board AKU EB has announced the result of class Secondary School Certificate SSC & Higher Secondary School Certificate HSSC class for best subject candidates. All the concerned candidates are now able to check their complete result here with all major details. we have given below a complete link where students can get result 2021 AKU EB SSC HSSC best subject. This link has the complete position holders over all and national level with SSC part 1 & 2 and HSSC part 1 & 2. We appreciate the all candidates to achieve their goals via AKE EB exams and best of luck for their better future. Open the below given link to get the result.
Agha Khan Board Best Subject result SSC HSSC Class 2021