Technology used in education has so much use in education and the regular household work in these days. Technology not only improving education it also a need for revolutionizing education for the better. Due to the technology students have various learning tools at their fingertips.
With online facility of internet teachers collaborate and share their ideas and communicate with students. Technology is helping students to develop the valuable research skills and students are accessing an abundance of information for learning. Online dictionary helps students to get meanings of difficult words in seconds.

On internet many credible websites, informative information and resources are available for teachers and students which they utilized according to their needs. Students depend on online learning because of it face to face interaction. Online learning is a satisfactory way of learning which not only helps students in studies also it changes the way of getting education.
Now due to the technology there is a flipped classroom which is the practice for students through flipped classroom students can watch lectures videos as homework and then on lectures the discussion is done in the class time with Teachers. It gives students the chance to boost up and they give the best performance. Through flipped classroom the students are able to learn at their own leisure time and they can save class time for interaction. Online class notes, date sheets, Past Papers and many more helping material helps students more.
Due to technologies students or learners are using online summaries like Wikipedia and TED Talks series which provide them a wealth of knowledge.
There are several types of technologies which are helping students in the classroom or education out of these technologies there are three unbelievable technologies which are helping students in Mathematics.
1st: Computer Managed Learning: It is a computer program which provides students Mathematics material through computer managed learning students can work on to score and receive a chart of their progress for self assessments.
2nd: Comprehensive models: Comprehensive models like Cognitive Tutor, computer aided instruction and non computer activities are helping students in Mathematics practice.
3rd: Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI): It is the computer technology which students can use individually for additional instruction to evaluate their levels.

Internet and Technology provides a huge of informative researches which are given a lot answer of the student’s questions. It has a great achievement for teachers.
Education and Technology is improving students learning day by day. It is giving great achievements or outcomes for teachers and students.
Online learning environment is giving students meaningful opportunities and instructions. The effect of the technology on education depends on the design of instruction.
Nowadays there are also cell phones which are the greatest resource of getting knowledge. In cell phones not only Internet facility is available also some applications like GPRS, dictionary, entertainment and different types of websites are available which helps the learners or students in study. It is all only due to modern technology in world. Students can check their board result online as well.
The role of technology in education is vital. It gives additional knowledge about the course of the students and clarifies their doubts. Using of technology in education is become a helpful tool in students lives. Technology is use in education to enhance the learning.