Today all the boards of Punjab have declared their 12th class result 2023 along with BISE Sahiwal. Top position holders are declared as well for the Intermediate result 2023 BISE Sahiwal. These position holders are the toppers of Humanities, FA Arts and Science group of FSc pre medical and pre engineering. The board has thousands of student who have participated in the 2nd year exam this year. We have already shared the latest class 12 result 2023 Sahiwal board with you. It is very easy to check BISE Sahiwal result 2023 HSSC part 2 here on The board also issued the gazette PDF file for more information about the result. We have shared the gazette PDF file as well to download it. The gazette also has the list of toppers 2023.

Here you will find the highest marks getting top position holders of Sahiwal board’s name, marks, roll number and institute name as well. These toppers are the shared here for the inspiration purpose for the other students. They have achieved this glory by hard work and dedication with their studies. Every student can achieve this by hard work and planning. We tried to share to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position holders details here. Students should follow these toppers style of study and how they have managed to get such a huge achievement in the exams. We wish these boys and girls a very best of luck for their future studies.
Position: 1st
Roll Number: 315675
Student Name: ASNA HANIF
Marks: 1081 MARKS IMP.
Position: 2nd
Roll Number: 316099
Student Name: SANA
Marks: 1075 MARKS IMP.
Position: 3rd
Roll Number: 308027
Marks: 1060
Position: 3rd
Roll Number: 312058
Marks: 1060