Government of Punjab has announced a very helpful scholarship for different students. This scholarship is almost 1 billion rupees for Inter and Graduate classes in various disciplines. Punjab Government scholarship will help to study in different universities of Pakistan. Updates and latest statistics reveals that total 14891 students will be able to get this scholarship. Two different disciplines students of undergraduate and intermediate will get this chance. Total 891 students of Undergraduate class students will get this and HSSC students with high number of students approx. 14000 will get help from this scholarship on annual basis.
Government announced that each student will award Rs. 25,000 / – scholarship of Inter classes.
Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Punjab Government Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
On the principles of following categories, Rehmatul Lil Alameen scholarship will issue the public schools, colleges and universities students.
Secondary School Certificate SSC result is the major result which indicates the competent students for Rehmatul Lil Alameen scholarship. Below find criteria for scholarship:
• Students, who have obtained at least 60% marks in Matric class exams from any public sector institute and get admission in Public Sector College within two years of passing the exams.
• Candidate must not involve in any other scholarship.
The ratio of scholarship will be 60:40 for science and Humanities students on fair gender distribution
Following criteria for need based applicants of Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship:
- Parents income must be equal or less than to Rs/ 25,000 / monthly
- Parents property should not more than 05 acres of agriculture land or 05 Marla in urban
- Government employees have their own quota of 10% in total 50% of need-based Punjab Scholarship
Following criteria for Merit based applicants of Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship:
- Students who will be on marit must be the topper in his / her respective district by the Higher Education Department considering the result provided by the Intermediate and Secondary Education boards
- The score of the student is confirmed from the data prepare by the boards in Punjab province by the HEP.
- Students who want to get admission in other district of Punjab except their own, their Marit will be set on their district domicile.
Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship Application process:
It is very simple that How to Apply for Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship online. Click on the below given link to apply for Scholarship.
Rehmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship Punjab Govenrmnet Scholorship online registration