Rawalpindi board has announced the Intermediate 2nd year result 2023 today along with all the other Punjab boards in Pakistan. The board has also issued the top position holders 2023 12th Class BISE Rawalpindi today in a prize giving ceremony at the board auditorium in Rawalpindi. The prizes were given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position holders in Humanities, Arts, and Science group of FA, FSc, Pre Medical and Pre Engineering. The board gives a result gazette PDF file that helps teachers and students to assess their performance in the Inter part 2 result 2023 BISE RWP. It has all the stats and information about the result for institutes to see and improve the performance. We try to share all the study material with the students to get good grades and highest marks in the exams.

List of toppers 2023 for Lahore board is important for the current students to see and get motivated by these outstanding students. The hard word these students do to get top positions in the HSSC part 2 exams is exemplary. Everyone should praise the commitment and dedication they have towards their education. Government should take care of these brilliant students with highest marks, and give them full free education in their future studies. Students are advised to keep on visiting us for the latest and new updates about all the results online for free. We wish all the top position holders 2023 BISE Lahore 12 Class with highest marks a very best of luck for the future studies.
Position: 1st
Roll Number: 747525
Marks: 1052
Position: 2nd
Roll Number: 700518
Student Name: AQSA SHABBIR
Marks: 1049
Position: 2nd
Roll Number: 747025
Marks: 1049
Position: 3rd
Roll Number: 708023
Student Name: IQRA RAFAQAT
Marks: 1046
Position: 3rd
Roll Number: 710335
Marks: 1046
Is there any prize or award for 12th class 2023 exam toppers in BISE Punjab?