Download the Rawalpindi board gazette 2023 9th class from The BISE Rawalpindi has announced the 9th class result 2023 today 22nd August 2023. Thousands of students take SSC part 1 exams every year. You can find all the results 2023 on To search your 9th class result 2023 BISE Rawalpindi by name, you can use the result 2023 gazette PDF file. Just download the gazette file and press ctrl + f and type your name etc. The pdf document also has the position holders for matric part 1 BISE RWP. Institutes can also check their results in this result gazette PDF file by institute.

9th Class Gazette 2023 Rawalpindi Board
To download the SSC part 1 result 2023 Rawalpindi board gazette PDF, please follow these simple steps. Please be patient as many people are trying to download these gazette results 2023. You just need to click on the download link below and then follow the instructions accordingly.