A very important announcement has been made by the Punjab University that the PU BA BSC exams 2021 are postponed. PU has postponed the annual examination of associate degree arts/science part 2 and part 1. The exams were scheduled to begin on 01-04-2021 April 1st 2021. It was decided in a meeting of deans of faculties chaired by Punjab University Vice Chancellor Prof Niaz Ahmed Akhter. The decision was made due to the worsening situation of the COVID-19 and in the best interest of the students said the Vice Chancellor. He advised the Pakistani nation to take preventive actions against Coronavirus in order to control the rising increase of the disease. PU Controller of Examination Mr Rauf Nawaz further said that there are thousands of students who appear in the Punjab University BA BSC exams 2021. The new dates will be announced later on. The semester examinations would be held as per schedule said Mr Rauf.

Punjab University BA BSC exams 2021 Notification by PU University:
In continuation of this office Notification Nos. 84, 85 & 88/Cond. D.S., dated 16.03.2021, it is hereby notified that the off-campus examinations of Associate Degree in Arts / Science Part-II and Part-I, B.A. Hearing Impaired and B.A / B.Sc. Special Category [Doctor / Nurse / Fazil / Wafaq-ul-Madaras / Additional Subject(s), Annual Examinations, 2021 starting from 1st and 15th April, 2021 are postponed. The next date of examinations shall be notified two weeks before exams.