Peshawar Board Matric class exams conducted by the BISE Peshawar as per complete exams schedule and time. Students from many branches admitted their self in 10th class and participate in the exams after downloading of 10th class roll number slips. We are providing you all the information of 10th class result 2023 of Peshawar Board and attached students from any group can check the full and complete result online. You can use your roll number or can get your result of 10th class through SMS also. There are several ways to get the Matric class result and result gazette is the best way to find your result 2023. You can now download your result gazette file here which is full of authentical information and details.

10th Class Result Gazette 2023 Peshawar Board
Peshawar Board Secondary School Certificate SSC result has been publicly shared by the BISE Peshawar and all those candidates who submitted the form and fee can check complete result of SSC part 2 here. Now you can download your Peshawar Board result gazette and also check result by name and result by school. Result gazette is very important for all students and teachers so download here complete gazette.