BISE Mardan has announced its result of 9th class 2023 online for all the details with a PDF gazette document. Gazette is an informative PDF file which is published by the corresponding board after the result and it contains roll number wise result, result by name, institute wise result and subject wise result as will. So this file is all in one informative document about the SSC part 1 result 2023 BISE Mardan. We have already shared how you can check your result online with different methods on our website.

Mardan board Matric part 1 result was a much awaited result by the all the 9th class students of Mardan board. You can also check top position holders BISE Mardan class 9. We tried to provide all the nessory information about the result like rezult kab aaega, kab aana hai, kab hai, result kab a raha hai, kab tak aayega, kab nikalega etc. Now download gazette pdf file for free from this page.
How to download 9th class Gazette 2023 PDF Mardan Board
Click on the link below and wait a bit for about 20 seconds and you will be given the Mardan board 9th class result gazette 2023.