Today BISE Mardan has announced its 10th Class result 2023 with it result gazette PDF file. A result gazette file is a document that contains the complete result of an examination conducted by a board of intermediate and secondary education. It includes the names, marks, roll numbers, grades, and other details of all the candidates who appeared in the examination such as SSC part 2 exam of Mardan board. It also shows the stats and analysis of the result of 10th class BISE Mardan, such as the pass percentage, the position holders, and the overall performance of the board. A result gazette file is usually issued in PDF format and can be downloaded from the official website or or obtained from the board office after paying a little amount. A result gazette file is useful for students, teachers, parents, and educational institutions to check and verify the result of an examination.

We have shared various methods of checking BISE Mardan Matric result 2023 by roll number, via SMS and by name using the result gazette. You can use this PDF gazette to get result by name. Download the gazette file and open the PDF file with a browser or a PDF reader. Now press ctrl + f and enter your name and press enter to reach to your name. So we tried to answer all your questions like kab aana hai, result kab hai, result kab a raha hai, rezult kab aaega, kab tak aayega, result kab nikalega etc
How to download 10th class Gazette 2023 PDF Mardan Board
The process to download result gazette 2023 BISE Mardan is quite simple and easy here on You just need to click on the “Download Now” button below and follow the instructions. You just need to be patient as too many students are trying to download the file at same time.