Today BISE Sargodha has announced its 12th class result 2023 and also published a result gazette PDF file for further more information about this result. Sargodha board has a very big student community that gets enrolled in the HSSC part 2 exams every year. The board has also announced the list of toppers 2023 Sargodha board and we have shared it on our website as well. The gazette file is quite useful if you want full information about the result BISE Sargodha. We have already provided the 2nd year result 2023 of Sargodha. Result with grades is shared and published as soon as it was possible.

This gazette of result helps you to search and find result 2023 BISE Sargodha Intermediate by name without going to any website or app. You need to download the latest result gazette file given below and a pdf file reader software to open the file. Type the name of student in the search bar and press enter or keep on clicking the next record button to get to the result you wanted. This file can be downloaded from the link below.
Download BISE Sargodha Result 2023 Gazette PDF