BISE Rawalpindi is one of the biggest boards of Punjab Pakistan. It has announced its 12th class result 2023 BISE RWP today along with a PDF result gazette file. As we know that all the boards of Punjab announce their results on the same date and they have done it today. The gazette file in PDF format can be very helpful in searching many important things about the result. There will be information about the top position holders BISE Rawalpindi result 2023 Intermediate in it. The gazette file can be used to get the HSSC part 2 result by name. You need to download the pdf file from the link given below and open it using a PDF reader like adobe PDF reader and search the name you want the result of. You will be provided with a lot of result just keep on pressing the search button or enter key unless you have reached to the result you were looking for.

We have tried to upload as much information as we can regarding all the educational news and updates issued by Pindi board. We are proud that we are one who provide gazette PDF files first online for free after the result. Here is the downloadable gazette file link to download the file now.
Download BISE Rawalpindi Result 2023 Gazette PDF