BISE Faisalabad has announced its 12th class result 2023 today along with the top position holders 2023. Faisalabad board is one of the biggest boards of Punjab Pakistan. The board has a huge student community that has participated in the 2nd year exams this year. We have already shared the HSSC part 2 result 2023 BISE FSD here on The board has issued a result gazette PDF file as well. The list of toppers can be checked through this gazette file uploaded on These toppers list with highest marks are of FA, Fsc pre medical, Pre Engineering, Humanities, Arts and Science group. We have shared the information of these students like name, roll number, total marks obtained and institute names.

These top position holders 2023 Intermediate should be the role model for the new students to work hard in their studies. The board has organized a prize giving ceremony for the appreciation of these outstanding students. The prizes were awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd students from the top. We should praise all the efforts these toppers with highest marks have made to reach this glory. This is not an overnight effort, it’s a long continuous hard work. Very well done students.
We wish them a very best of luck for the future studies. God bless you all. Thanks for reading.
Position: 1st
Roll Number: 434829
Student Name: USWA FATIMA
Marks: 1085/Marks Improved
Position: 2nd
Roll Number: 436130
Student Name: BASHARAT ALI
Marks: 1080/Marks Improved
Position: 3rd
Roll Number: 434356
Student Name: AROOJ FATIMA
Marks: 1069/Marks Improved