Good news for the students of Malakand board that 9th class result 2023 BISE Malakand has been just announced today and the board also published the matric top position holders 2023. Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Malakand, which is an educational board and the board gives the education to the areas of District Dir Lower, Dir Upper, Malakand and Bajaur in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. BISE Malakand was established in 2008. The board was previously working under BISE Peshawar board, but it became independent after the increase of students. The board has conducted a prize giving ceremony at the main building of Malakand board to give prizes to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position holders in the SSC part 1 result 2023.

We have tried to share all the latest news and alerts about the Malakand Matric part 1 result 2023. Here we are sharing the student’s names, roll numbers and institutes who got highest marks in the class 9 exams for the science and art or humanities group. These students have worked very hard and finally they are given this reward. We congratulate all the 9th class toppers of Malakand board and wish all the students a very best of luck to get success in your further education.