Azad Jammu & Kashmir University AJKU has officially issued the roll number slips of viva of Associate Degree and BA BSC class. students who are the part of BA BSC named as ADS & ADA class AJKU are now can easily download the full Roll Number Slip / Viva slip for supplementary 2021 exams and Annual 2021 exams. you have to put your roll number in the box given below and your AJKU BA BSC Viva Slip 2021 / Roll Number slip 2021 will be shown on the screen. However, loResult.com is now providing all classes result online on this plat form and you have the facility here to get your AJKU BA BSC class result 2021 both annual and supply so keep visiting here to get more updates.
AJKU Viva Slip 2021 BA BSC class Associate Degree