AJKU B.COM Part I II Supply exams result 2021

Azad Jammu & Kashmir University AJKU has managed the start of their AJKU B.Com Part I II Supplementary exams few weeks earlier and after that exams section of AJKU University has announced their AJKU B.Com Part 1 & 2 Supply exams result and 2021 & Associate degree result 2021. Candidates of AJK University are advised to check their complete online result here by roll number written on roll number slips. There are a lot of candidates appeared in these exams and they it is a good news that Bachelor of Commerce B Com part I & Part II class result 2021 AJK can check here online. After checking of supply result of B.Com AJKU, candidates are able to get his / her original mark sheet form university. Our recommendation is that you can get here all details of result here on this webpage.
PBTE Vocational Course Exams form & fee Schedule 2021

Punjab Board of Technical Education PBTE has uploaded the exams schedule of Vocational courses 2nd annual examinations 2021. There is a large number of candidates in the whole Punjab which are linked with PBTE vocational exams and now they have a complete proper schedule to submit their form and fee. Students can submit their fee before 8 Nov 2021 with single fee option. There are numerous programs are mentioned in the schedule along with fee including Advance Dress Designing, Certificate in Dress Making, Certificate in Vocational Girls Diploma, Certificate in Basic Dress Designing. Certificate in Textile Designing and computer operating course. These all mentioned courses candidates can submit their fee which is written in the PBTE schedule below.