Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU is one of the major university in Pakistan. There are millions of students are in touched with Open University Islamabad. Every year AIOU Islamabad conduct exams of different classes. now AIOU is going to conduct Autumn Semester 2021 exams. AIOU has declared very important date sheet for different classes including ADC, ADE, AD(HRM, Banking & Marketing), B.Ed(New) BBA, BS Accounting & Finance & BS (ODL) Programs. Thousand of students waiting for these exams and now Open University Islamabad B. Ed , BBA, BS 2021 Date Sheet schedule has been announced.

Students can download AIOU B. Ed, BBA, BS, AD, ADC & ADE Autumn Schedule 2021 on this page. AIOU authority will conduct these exams in full SOPs and students must wear mask during exams. AIOU Exams are going to start from 30 April 2021 to 18 June 2021. All the timing and dates are mentioned in the below given AIOU Autumn 2021 Date Sheet. after AIOU Autumn exams the result will also issue on this site. so keep visiting on this site to get further AIOU exams update.
Click below to get AIOU Autumn Schedule 2021