Every year the elementary level exams in all districts of the Punjab are conducted by Punjab Examination Commission PEC, Lahore. The latest news is that the PEC has announced the PEC Class 5th Annual Exams 202 result. There are high number of students from Lahore, Kasur, Nankana sahib etc submitted their exams PEC 5th class form for 5th class exams. Punjab examination Commission PEC Lahore has taken the exams and now PEC has announced the final result of primary class.

There are a lot of students affiliated with PEC Lahore Board 5th class and now they are waiting for PEC Grade V result 2021. Loresult.com is providing you the most important result of class 5th 2021 PEC online here. You can easily check the complete PEC Lahore primary result here. However, you can also get the PEC Lahore 5th class position holders 2021 here. Keep us in touch with you for all updates of PEC Examination Lahore class Fifth.