PBTE D Com DHO DBA DCA Matric tech and vocational Admissions schedule 2021

Punjab Board of Technical Education PBTE has issued the admission schedule for various exams 2021. Students who want to get admission in PBTE Diploma in Commerce, Diploma in hotel operations , Diploma in Business Administration, Diploma in culinary Arts, Matric tech & Matric vocational for second examination can take easily admission in PBTE. All mentioned subjects admissions are open now and students can submit their fee & form till 20 Oct 2021 with single fee. However, candidates can see complete exams schedule below and all dates with fee is written in the PBTE exams form. Candidate should read all instructions carefully before submitting the form and loResult.com will also provide you here about the PBTE result 2021 of all subjects and all other major details.
Peshawar University Undergraduate Program Final Merit List 2021 2022

University of Peshawar has announced the final merit list of undergraduate programs for session 2021 – 2022. Concerned students who take part in the admissions Peshawar University can see their online final merit list here with complete details. Students can find their name in the merit list by their track ID or by name in Peshawar University online page which is in the below given link. After completing this procedure, candidates will submit their fee and classes will be continue after some time which will be intimated here soon. Keep us in contact for latest Upesh updates of admissions & result.
Peshawar University final Merit List 2021 Undergraduate Program