The Higher Education Commission (HEC) through the Education Testing Council (ETC) will hold the Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) for students wanting to enter universities across Pakistan.
The USAT is similar to the SAT and is given four times a year. It includes subjects like Engineering, Medicine (Allied Health), IT, Management, and Social Sciences for undergraduate admissions. Students who pass the USAT can apply to various universities and are also eligible for HEC Undergraduate Scholarships.
Who can apply for the USAT?
‣ Students who have completed their Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or equivalent/Grade 12 education.
‣ Students who have taken their final exams and are waiting for results.
Which USAT version should you apply for based on your academic stream?
Test Category | Stream/ Discipline
USAT – E | Pre Engineering
USAT – M | Pre Medical
USAT – A | Art & Humanities
USAT – CS | Computer Science
USAT – GS | General Science
USAT COM | Commerce
Check the image shared below and how to apply visit the website
The USAT test will be held on 14th July 2024. The last date to apply for the test is 30th June 2024.