The Women University Multan is a located in Multan city has declared the very important admissions in undergraduate & postgraduate programs. Complete advertisement of the admissions is now attached here below. you can now apply in the programs including BS Applied Psychology, BS Economics, BS Botany, BS Zoology, BS English, BS Islamic Studies, BS Urdu, BS Chemistry, BS Mathematics, BS Physics, BS Statistics, BS Computer Science (BSCS), BS Information Technology, BS Education, BS History, BS Management Sciences, Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA (Honors), BS Biochemistry, Bs Environmental Sciences, Bs History and Pakistan Studies, Bs Mass Communicataion, Bs Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Bs Political Science & International Relations, Bs Sociology, BS Arabic, BS Public Health, Associate Degree in Economics, Associate Degree in English Linguistics, Associate Degree in Business Administration, Associate Degree in Social Sciences, BEd, MSc Applied Psychology, MSc Economics, MA English, MA Urdu, MCS, MS Finance Comsat, MA History and Pak Studies, MA Arabic, MSc Chemistry, Master in Computer Science MSC, Master in Information Technology MIT, MA Education, MA Islamic Studies, MSc Mathematics, MSc Physics, MA International Relation, MSc Sociology, MSc Zoology, M.Sc Islamic Studies.
Candidates are advised the get and read all important instructions in the below given advertisement. Minimum 10 seats are allocated in each undergraduate program on self finance. You can apply online on https://admissions.wum.edu.pk till 18th August 2023.