Gulab Devi Educational Complex GDEC is now offering the admissions in various Bachelor of Studies BS & Bachelor of Science BSc Hons. Students are now allow to get admission in BS 4 years degree program in Nutrition & Dietetics, Microbiology, BS Biochemistry, BS Biotechnology, BS Psychology, BS Chemistry, BS Zoology, BSc Hons in Medical Lab Technology, BSC Operational Theater Technology, BSC Respiratory, BSC Cardiac Perfusion, BSC Emergency & Intensive Care, Pharm D 05 years doctoral program & DPT program.
You can now have this page to show you the Gulab Devi Educational Complete fee Structure and Gulab Devi Educational Complex Application Form. Limited seats are available for Pharm D program and you can now visit on https://gdec.edu.pk for online admission form. Complete consolidated admission advertisement is now attached here below so keep in touch with us and get latest admissions in Pakistan.