BZU Postgraduate Admissions Spring 2023
Bahauddin Zakaria University BZU is a leading educational University published the admissions advertisement of Postgraduate programs for spring semester 2023.…
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Bahauddin Zakaria University BZU is a leading educational University published the admissions advertisement of Postgraduate programs for spring semester 2023.…
Jinnah University for Women Recognized by HEC has officially declared the admissions of different faculties. Now all candidates who looking…
Virtual University of Pakistan a leading Federal Government University where admissions are open now for all candidates. Now students who…
Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University Spring 2023 admissions are open now all people. Interested candidates may apply for different programs in Mohi-ud-din…
Kings Cadet College Gujrat approved by GHQ has issued the admissions form for 6th class, 7th class, 8th class &…
Sarhad University Charted by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK and recognized by Higher Education Commission HEC seeking the admission…
Alhamd Islamic University Quetta which is associated with Fatima Jinnah Hospital, Alkhidmat Hospital, Citly International Hospital, Christian Hospital & Kidney…
National University of Technology NUTEC full admissions advertisement has been attached here below. Now students who looking for admission sin…
Shaheeh Benazir Bhutto Women University SBBWU is a leading education university in KPK which is named on Former Prime Minister…
Iqra University IU Islamabad has declared the admission in many programs and candidates who want to pursue education in Bachelor,…
University of Sargodha UOS is now inviting the candidates for new admissions of spring semester 2023. All the interested candidates…
The University of Haripur UOH is a leading educational University where admissions are now open for all candidates in different…
Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology BUETK Khuzdar a public sector university has announced admissions for spring semester 2023. Now…
Riphah International University RIU is a leading university have many campuses announced the admissions in Undergraduate Program, Graduate Programs &…
University of Peshawar Upesh Spring Semester 2023 has been announced and you can apply for admission with easy steps. Now…
Women University Swabi WUS has announced the admissions in different sectors of education. Admissions notice for spring 2023 has been…
Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU Matric class admissions are now open. AIOU is the largest distance learning university in Pakistan…
Government College University GCU GC University Lahore is now offering the admissions for many programs of MS/M.Phil. Now registration for…